Self-assessment and thesis structure

 Hello everyone again!

This is the second assignment of the course. 

First of all, this is the title, table of content, and research plan for my thesis:

TITLE: Artificial Emotional Intelligence: Application of Emotional Architectures on Artificial Intelligence Systems and their Conceptual and Ethical Issues.


Table of contents:

·         Introduction:

o   What is an emotion? What does it have to do with (artificial and biological) intelligence?

o   First approaches to the field: from pure computational intelligence to affective computing.

o   Focus and structure of the thesis.

o   Conclusions

·         Chapter 1: State of the art

o   Cross-relationships between different disciplines on the topic of emotions: Psychology, Neuroscience, Physiology, Sociology, Art, and Philosophy.

o   Why so many definitions? Is it possible to reach an agreement on what an emotion is?

o   Different perspectives on the artificial structures of emotion.

o   Conclusions

·         Chapter 2: Social aspects of the emotional AI

o   Social perception on the topic. Opinions and expectations both from the public and the experts.

o   Emotional AI in Psychotherapy, Entertainment, and Intimacy. The risks and opportunities.

o   Emotional AI as a business: commercial uses and changes in society.

o   Conclusions

·         Chapter 3: The effects of the emotional (ro)bots on science and human knowledge.

o   How can a successful emotional architecture condition future approaches on the topic of emotions in humans? The Natural Sciences perspective.

o   How can it affect the Art and the social perspectives?

o   Future synthetic humans? New moral agents and patients and the need for a stronger legislation.

o   Conclusions

·         Chapter 4: Towards a new Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence

o    New perspectives of the issue and a claim for its own discipline within the field of the Philosophy of Technology.

o   Towards a more scientific Philosophy of Emotion: from morals to biology.

·         Chapter 5: Conclusions

Research Plan:


·         Introduction:

·         Chapter 1: State of the art – I would say that this is the most straight-forward part and I am nearly finished with it. So year 1 and first quarter of year 2.

·         Chapter 2: Social aspects of the emotional AI – Year 2. This is very closely related to the state of the art, but requires more research on the concepts the laboratories and companies are working with.

·         Chapter 3: The effects of the emotional (ro)bots on science and human knowledge. – Year 3. This part is more speculative and requires time to attend conferences and research more about the perspectives of the different sciences dedicated to the study of emotions as well as its social aspects.

·         Chapter 4: Towards a new Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence – Year 2-4/5. This is the real “interesting part” where I have to offer something new to the field, so the time span is going to stretch for the whole development of the thesis.

·         Chapter 5: Conclusions – Year 4/5. This is going to be a revision of the topics studied on the thesis and a summary of the findings, so it will be written immediately after the chapter 4.

This is the self-assessment. As it comes in PDF format, I provide a link to access it: My self-assessment

Thank you very much for stopping by and dedicating some time to reading all this!



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