Finding my own voice

 Hello everyone!

My name is Enrique and I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy by the University of Oviedo and a Master’s Degree in Spanish as a Second Language by the same institution. Currently I am a student in a doctorate program in Scientific Culture in the Logic and Philosophy of Science department at the University of Oviedo. My thesis is about the implementation of emotions on AI systems.

I would say that my audience is mainly the academic community, as every PhD candidate has to publish and aim for international journals in order to make their CV more competitive. I always write from home, as I have all my books and resources and a good internet connection if I need to check some facts or search for something important.

I write in the morning time, as I find it the time I am the most productive. I expect my life to be quite stable for the next 2-3 years (fingers crossed). I am on my first year of research, so far I have not written anything in English but I expect to do so during next year.

As I writer, I will have to focus a bit more on my style. I have lived for 4 years in Scotland and I have used English a lot on my daily life, but of course it was very colloquial English, which is quite different from the register I have to aim for as an academic writer. I am ready a lot of journals and academic books in English so I am trying to improve my writing by imitating that of the people I am reading at the moment.

As a learner, I would say I am a bit of a bookworm. I like to read from classic sources; I give preference to books and printed papers as I am not a good reader from a screen. I am concerned about the environmental impact of this learning style and I am trying to amend it as much as I can.

I would say that my models are mainly people who can express difficult topics in an accessible way. I really like Luciano Floridi’s style, for example, as he can pack a lot of information in a very small piece of text and deliver all the information in a very attractive and fun way. I tend to be “too Spanish” when I write: I make very long sentences, and this is something I am very conscious abou
t and I definitely want to change. 


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